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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • But that’s just the thing. It is entirely reasonable in their worldview. They don’t hate just because they love hating, at least not on a conscious level. They have a whole lore about their ideology too. The problem js lack of ability to think critically and echochambers to reinforce their views. Now imagine an open community, where everyone can have an opinion left, right, or center, but only get banned for being intentionally hurtful. We can save the people who have not yet come to a conclusion, rather than their beliefs essentially being validated through hostile responses.

    We have gone so far goddamn south to the point people on the left think free speech is nothing more than a right wing dogwhistle.
    How long you decide they just need professional help too.

    It’s the inevitable bubbling of echochambers that’s so harmful, but so atteactive for people to take part in that i believe to be the reason for a lot of the world’s problems today. Including covid deniers mind you. If they were exposed to proper evidence before they got dragged into an echo chamber, do you think they still believe what they believe?

    Most of them are normal people, not deranged monsters, but we cast them as such to make ourselves feel better and give an easy explanation as to how someone can end up like that.