It’s not like any candidate was actually good but they did pick the worst one.

    9 months ago

    If your liberal democracy puts you into a mental health ward or gulag for your opinion about the system it’s not a liberal democracy.

    No True Scotsmen ey?

    ML states OTOH really like to do that.

    Bold claim; back it up.

    There’s an inherent totalitarianism to them, they demand that everyone thinks precisely like some centralised decision organ decides

    Well this is just a factually untrue caricature.

    and you tankies will even defend that.

    I’m not going to defend something that isn’t even true.

    Thought itself is controlled

    You’ve watched too many sci-fi movies.

    That kind of monopolisation of the prerogative of interpretation is a practical sign of fascism, once it is coalesced.

    Interesting theory; what do you base it on?

    The Ur-fascism points are merely crystallisation points.

    No it isn’t.

    The very point that you can type all that in (presumably) a liberal democracy without getting disappeared means that you’re not living under fascism.

    Never said I was; you were the one who articulated a definition of fascism that included liberal democracies.

    It’s really something, MLs having so shit takes that you make me defend liberal democracies.

    Lol, it doesn’t take much.