I found a handy site for taking notes, but everything it says about the privacy of this one:
“Anonymous by default, no adverts. We offer a high level of privacy for both writers and readers. You don’t need to create an account to post something. There are no adverts on the entire page and we don’t use any social media scripts. You can rest assured that information about your activity on the site will not be used by advertising companies or social media.”
This is in the “About” section.
There is no information about what information the site collects about the user.
If the site services the EU and does not have a privacy policy it’s downright illegal according to the GDPR.
Art. 14 GDPR, “Information to be provided where personal data have not been obtained from the data subject”:
Is it just me or does this not make sense? It says you must declare the purposes of the processing for which personal data are intended, but this is under the section for when no personal data is collected. How does that work?
It’s EU garbage. The answer is that it doesn’t work and is designed to fuck people over
Found someone salty that their site didn’t comply and is big angy about having to clean it up and stop being shady 😏
There’s nothing shady about ignoring what eurotrash politicians want.
Yeah, nothing shady about ignoring the law, right.
Correct. There’s nothing shady about ignoring retarded laws for an irrelevant jurisdiction