Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated in any way to any of the parties involved in this review. I just enjoy reading Solène’s writings in general and found myself to be especially in fond of this specific article. I share this in the hopes that others might somehow benefit from this as well!

The relevance of the review for this specific community would be that NovaCustom produces excellent laptops to be used with Linux (and other open source operating systems). Furthermore, in the review the reviewer installs a bunch of distros and tests how they work on the device.

  • Ramin Honary@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Wow, I can’t believe you tried so many different operating systems with this laptop, even Haiku and OpenIndiana! What a fantastic review!

    It is a little sad that OpenBSD can’t optimize by P/E cores, I have been wanting to switch to OpenBSD but obviously Linux supports the most hardware, so I stay with Linux. It is nice that the makers NovaCustom seem to have done a good job creating a mostly open, standards compliance x86_64 computing platform.