• numberfour002@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    My very first PC was a Compaq. It was not the cheapest low-end piece of shit available in those days, yet it was still an absolute low-end piece of shit. USB ports broke with minimal use. CD-ROM drive broke despite minimal use. The case started falling apart after a year or so. RAM went bad. I could go on, but you get the point. PIECE OF LITERAL FECES.

    And then they got bought by HP, which was already on my list of PIECE OF LITERAL FECES companies.

    So, that’s when I knew I’d never buy anything HP branded. That was 20+ years ago.

    And literally (I’m using literally in the literal sense), every single person I know who has bought something (anything) HP branded after I advised them not to has regretted their decision. It’s honestly baffling how they are still in business on the consumer end. Their stuff is crap. PIECES OF LITERAL FECES.