You can include your phone specific model if you want.

I just got a Samsung Galaxy S23, switching from an iPhone 11, because I kinda fear that Apple might turn evil and start banning apps from the app store. I mean I knew about how restrictive iOS was but I kinda just justified it by the increased security that I perceived it to be. But recent events made me realize a corporation can turn from mildly annoying to full-on evil very quickly. With Android, I have the option of avoiding the Google Play Store if they start to do weird things with it. So that’s my story, what about you?

    1 year ago

    I can’t honestly see them making the chassis slimmer, since it would severely restrict upgradability. But I guess it’s possible in the distant future.

    But even then, the parts can very easily be repurposed or sold. There are so many new and upcoming projects which use repurposed Framework components to build all sorts of things from desktops PCs to TV media boxes, to gaming consoles, etc.

    You could even build your own NAS, surveillance NVR, and more with repurposed parts.

    But even if they make a drastic change to the chassis that requires new parts to be purchased, they are very good at giving upgrade paths that make sense and would likely offer options for existing users.

    I can tell you that my anxiety over using a device that can’t be repaired is long gone. I actually feel like I can really use this laptop without worrying about being SOL if the screen breaks, or the touchpad stops working.