Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I mean, they’re adding big box delivery so…

    Jokes aside, non-aggressive unlawful gameplay could be focused on pure stealth, for example: to steal or plant something without being seen as an intended goal of the mission giver. Maybe add racing on a private property? It’s definitely something more difficult to come up with and implement than just shooting people in a different location but they will have to do it if they really want to make the game into a sandbox for everyone and not just action players.

    Sure, as the name suggests unlawful gameplay will always skirt the law, I just don’t think everything has to be about murder. That’s just me though, hopefully peaceful game loops will make their way into the game at a more reasonable pace after recent development shift.

  • It does a good job at pointing out flaws with Steam UI and how they could be fixed (something Valve is apparently unable to do themselves).

    While the design in this video isn’t perfect, it’s way better than the current shitshow and I don’t see why people (especially those who know what they’re doing) shouldn’t remind a multibillion company they should do better.

  • I think these are new - there’s a comment on the project page asking about “playing the classic Red Alert maps” and one of the devs replied they would require some modifications to work.

    Besides, original missions can be played with OpenRA so I don’t think they would port them here without at least adding support for the new factions (which in turn would require changes in story?).

    That’s just my guess based on some research though, I’m not a specialist when it comes to these projects.

  • While I don’t care about using alien ships Syulen looks really cool. C1 too, I guess.

    Storm on the other hand… this thing should be like half the size it is now. I may be exaggerating a bit but one-man “light” tank should not be this big. I also can’t get used to the track pods being completely static - they look like they should be split in two and act like suspension (even though it wouldn’t make sense with tracks).
    Hell, at least make them move in relation to the main body.

    That said, MLRS variant looks cool - if only for the rocket barrage.

  • Siege of Orison Re-Activation - Event Updates

    • Siege now has a warning period for the event, when this initially starts there will be a 30 min warning where Dulli will say something is going down, this is to allow people to prep and accept the mission to know where its taking place
    • The lift from Orison to the rooftop will be disabled by default and only enabled when the event starts.
    • All the shuttle call terminals require the lieutenant’s code to be input one time to unlock (the only one that won’t have a code is the broken shuttle from H to E island).
    • The barge now has a container that will prevent people from pushing into the barge beyond the first room. This becomes unlocked when all the previous Islands boss’ have been complete
    • If you take a Siege Ship out of the area while the event is active we active self destruct that the player can not turn off
    • If you get back in the area it should disable the self-destruct
    • Once the IFFI on the barge is down, players will be free to take the ships as the Self-Distruct will be disabled
    • If you try and take your own ship into the area, you will be impounded back to “the last ATC the player was near"
    • There have been changes under the hood to turrets and the way the IFFI interact
    • If a player commits a crime or attacks another player on the mission they will get a marker placed on them and players still in the mission will be allowed to kill them, with this they will see an objective to do with Nine tails sympathizers and how many have been killed. You will only see markers for sympathizers on the same island as you.
    • When you kill the island lieutenant and loot the code you will get a marker on potential IFFI locations
    • We have new audio lines
    • If the player approaches an island and the lieutenant is killed but the AA isn’t disabled
    • If you are heading to an island and there are Ninetails sympathizers on that island
    • Along with one saying about more than 1
    • New mission success line
    • New line saying the lieutenant is dead and the iffi is optional they can move on
    • A line for the possible IFFI locations
    • Personal thank you to the player for doing the event
    • If a player kills another player everyone on that island gets informed, there is also a repeat line for this.
    • Fail reason strings have been added to all relevant objectives and the overall mission fails

    Arena Commander 3.21.1 Patch Notes

    Game Mode Updates:

    • Single Weapon Elimination - now featuring Railguns! Play now until November 19th & December 3rd til 10th only!
    • Tank Royale & Team Tank Battle - The TMBR Storm has been added to Tank Experimental Mode, available for those that own the vehicle.

    Ship Inclusions Balance:

    • Ship Additions to all game modes:

      • AEGIS Avenger Titan
      • AEGIS Avenger Titan Renegade
      • DRAKE Buccaneer
      • Espiria Glaive
      • Espiria Scythe
    • Squadron Battle:

      • AEGIS Eclipse
      • AEGIS Vanguard Harbinger
      • AEGIS Vanguard Hoplite
      • AEGIS Vanguard Sentinel
      • AEGIS Vanguard Warden
      • ANVIL C8 Pisces
      • ANVIL C8R Pisces Rescue
      • ANVIL C8X Pisces Expedition
      • ANVIL Gladiator
      • ANVIL Hurricane
      • ANVIL Valkyrie
      • ANVIL Valkyrie Liberator
      • ARGO MOLE
      • ARGO MOLE Carbon
      • ARGO MOLE Talus
      • CNOU Mustang Alpha
      • CNOU Mustang CitizenCon 2948 Edition
      • CNOU Mustang Beta
      • CNOU Mustang Delta
      • CNOU Mustang Gamma
      • CNOU Mustang Omega
      • CRUS A2 Hercules Starlifter
      • CRUS M2 Hercules Starlifter
      • CRUS Ares Star Fighter Inferno
      • CRUS Ares Star Fighter Ion
      • CRUS Mercury Star Runner
      • DRAKE Corsair
      • DRAKE Cutlass Red
      • KRIG P-52 Merlin
      • KRIG P-72 Archimedes
      • KRIG P-92 Archimedes Emerald
      • MISC Freelancer
      • MISC Freelancer DUR
      • MISC Freelancer MAX
      • MISC Freelancer MIS
      • ORIG 300i
      • ORIG 315p
      • ORIG 350r
      • ORIG 400i
      • ORIG 600i
      • ORIG 600i Executive Edition
      • ORIG 600i Touring
      • ORIG M50 Interceptor
      • RSI Aurora CL
      • RSI Aurora ES
      • RSI Aurora LN
      • RSI Aurora MR
      • RSI Constellation Andromeda
      • RSI Constellation Aquila
      • RSI Constellation Phoenix
      • RSI Constellation Phoenix Emerald
      • and RSI Constellation Taurus
    • Pirate/Vanduul Swarm:

      • AEGS Reclaimer
      • AEGS Reclaimer Best In Show Edition

    Scoring Balance:

    • adjusted scoring to value the hull of the vehicle rather than the overall ability in preparation for Multicrew

  • I guess it depends on your motivation for said project.

    Do you enjoy the process of working on the project? Do you use it to learn new things and improve the skills required for it? Or all you care about is the end project?

    If it’s the last one I can see why you could get discouraged but if it’s the other two then not really.

    If I work on something specific I do it because I want to create this thing using my skills, experience and ideas. I also try to do as much of it as I can on my own, without using other’s people assets etc. For me, the work I put in is an important of the process and each step towards completion makes me a little proud and happy that I can create something.

    At the same time I’m a weirdo who tends to use less efficient methods if they aren’t as fun to use when working on personal projects. I don’t really care about using AI in the first place so that might skew my view a bit.

    There’s also the fact that AI isn’t omnipotent. It makes mistakes just like us and I’d rather fix my own mistakes since this way I know what I did, how I did it and where to look when things go wrong.

    Sorry for the word salad. Your post gave me a reason to spew some unfiltered thoughts about an issue I never really thought about.

  • It’s kind of funny reading this considering vast majority of CIG’s resources has been focused on S42 for years.

    I’m not gonna argue about it though. I’m fully aware people backed the project for different reasons and in situation like this there’s no way to please everyone. I’m definitely happy for all the folks that are more interested in the single-player campaign than me.

    Let’s hope with all those recent improvements they’ll finally be able to speed up the process and deliver something for all of us.

  • I mentioned it in my day 2 impressions but I’ll repeat it here as well: after years of waiting I’m not particularly invested in S42 - both because I don’t have much hopes for writing and because I feel it slowed down progress on PU (part I actually care about) WAY more than I’d like.

    Despite that I do have to say that seeing this showcase brought some of the initial interest back. Let’s see if they can deliver something really worthwhile.