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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • So many of them really just refuse to exist in public space. “The public” is full of evil undesirables, so let me go from my private space (home) to my private space (car) to go to my private space (work/school/venue) so i never have to exit in the scarrryyy public.

    Even my more progressive best friends (a couple) refuse to go downtown because they can’t park directly in front of where they’re going, even though where they’d probably find a spot is still closer than your parking spot at Walmart or a grocery store - but I’m the crazy one for not prioritizing getting a new vehicle at all costs, sure.

    Shit is bonkers.

  • I use my air fryer basically for fries and thats it. I have a convection oven that’s like 1/3/ 2/3 though that is fuckin KILLER for this reason. It saves on energy only heating the top, The top bit preheats in a couple minutes max, and it fits basically everything except maybe a cake or something. Since my breakup ive had to pull out the divider one time.

  • Its the car centric mindset of just jetting all over town for the fuck of it more or less. As I mentioned elsewhere, if we were ““going out”” I’d understand changing, but we had one drink and left (which was the plan from the jump.) we could have been on the way out of the bar by the time we left their house if we’d just gone there.

    Yeah its equally dumb on a bus but most people on public transit wouldn’t do that because it IS silly for one drink.

  • Eh, no use crying over spilt milk, youre here now. :) Linux is still stuck in a weird cultural hole, its not your fault it took a while.

    Ive always been familiar but a daily driver of windows. I started self hosting a year or two ago, and recently switched my office PC to Linux with a secondary win partition. Ive just never had issues with windows but I’m pretty tired of what they’ve been up too lately so for me it was time. Whenever I get around to grabbing another m.2 for my living room rig I’ll do the same for it.

  • They say if you’re driving, that’s time lost, while if you are on the bus, you can be doing all sorts of things on your phone or what have you.

    I don’t have a car right now (not in any rush, especially with the current market) and I’m a BIG defender of this point. On the bus, I usually have a book. I take Amtrak alot and having driven on plenty of out of town trips over the years - I LOVE getting to nap out after hopping on then getting some reading done, do some gaming, or just…stare out the damn window. Coming home I have a tendency of getting a bit drunk one way or another haha.

    My thing with people’s perception of Amtrak in particular is how if they applied the same standards to driving we’d have an INFINITELY more equitable movement infrastructure. Sooooo many people I talk to swear off Amtrak forever cause that caught one delay, in a number of these folk it’s only an hour or two but that’s enough to swear it off entirely. Meanwhile those same people will sit in gridlock for an hour every day driving to work without batting an eye, or pound the steering wheel once in a multi-hour delay while traveling then are just like “that’s life.” How come one 1 hour delay is a forever deal breaker but nobody (seriously) complains about that? It’s just what they know so no level of inconvenience is too much and they’re rather be stuck in a car for 6 hours in a jam than share space with others for 2 hours on a train.

  • I dont disagree but that doesn’t change the fact that A- taxes are a thing and therefore a cost that has to be factored in, and B- Even if we fix the tax system it would still be a necessity.

    Fixing broken systems is important and WOULD help people find housing, but arguing for utopia or bust is only going to let things get worse as you bicker about the details of municipal spending (which again I do agree on but we ALSO need to work within the system we have now to help people for whom this isn’t theoretical internet banter…)