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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Surely this is intersectional though right? Not all men are the same or have the same experience of political issues. I can see how straight white cis men might feel like these spaces aren’t for them. But queer men might feel differently about this. Black men also.

    Also if you feel like existing spaces aren’t for you, then free to create your own spaces. There’s nothing holding you back.

  • Simple thought experiment. If you were alive during Hitler’s death would you still feel the same way?

    I don’t like the idea of celebrating death because there’s usually at least one person who is mourning and deserves to be respected in that. If people were celebrating the death of my loved one then yeah i’d feel pretty shitty about that.

    But there is a certain category of person where this doesn’t apply. If you’re famous for doing war crimes then your death should be celebrated. It’s less about the person and more about what they symbolise. If you use your existence to bring such suffering upon the world then humanity kind of has a duty to celebrate the loss of that existence from the world.

  • Australian here. We had one really bad mass shooting and then our government (who was also one of the most conservative governments in the last 50 years) banned guns. Haven’t had one since. Guns just aren’t a thing here and we kind of think you’re a weird country for being so obsessed with guns. I also personally think it’s weird that guns are like the symbol of your freedom, yet you don’t have universal healthcare. Universal healthcare offers so much more freedom than guns do.

    In saying that a lot of countries have guns and don’t have the same problem with mass shootings. What the US has is a cultural problem in terms of your relationship with guns and violence. Unfortunately, doing a mass shooting is now a normalised way to deal with your problems. Not all of you, obviously. But enough of you that it’s gotten completely out of control. In Australia I don’t think it was just the banning of guns that has reduced mass shootings. We have a culture in Australia of ‘don’t be a dickhead’. I think when we had our mass shooting we all collectively just said yeah nah mass shootings are next level dickhead behaviour.

  • Red dead redemption 2 for sure. It’s hard to pick because there are a lot of profound experiences in that game. The part where Arthur is riding back after Guarma when d’angelo starts playing definitely stands out. It just made me think about how some people just get trapped in these shitty situations that are just tragic. It’s easy to say what you would / wouldn’t do in that situation but the gang were Arthur’s family and it’s not that easy to just walk away from the only community you have and the only life you’ve ever known.

  • How much time have you got? I guess the biggest factor is that referendums are hard to pass in Australia, especially when the campaign becomes partisan. And this one was VERY partisan. But also Australia has a particular type of racist ignorance when it comes to our First Nations Peoples and our colonial history in general. We’re now currently the only settler colonial nation that has not recognised its First Nations Peoples in their constitution. Settler colonialism is not a competition, but if it was Australia kind of wins the gold. I say that as a white Australian.