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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • To be fair there are probably many different ways to solve the problem. I’m somewhat experienced with Linux and I’ve attempted seeing up TPM LUKS decryption on boot. It’s certainly not easy or at least wasn’t when I tried. For non experienced people it’s easier to just enter the password at boot and enable auto login. Then you get the security, software, ethics, or licensing debates that accompany most Linux discussions.

  • I think it does. If you make the choice to poorly manage your distro’s tools/website it shows that you aren’t responsible enough to manage the distro. They also had the laptop purchasing issue.

    I’m not saying every distro needs to be super organized and testing shit but they should be before I recommend it to someone. Especially when there are other Arch based distros that don’t have the issues.

    The newbie stuff is fair enough. I do think they get extra flak here because the distro was marked as Arch for noobs.

    I don’t think that would be the case. The AUR helper would pull the updated dependencies from the Arch repos which would not be available in Manjaro’s repos

    They’re valid arguments and people should be informed about it mainly because of how it was recommended a lot for beginners.

  • Anecdotally I’ve been dual booting Windows 11/Linux on my laptop for a couple years and I’ve never had issues with Windows affecting the boot partition and I feel like this is much less common with EFI. You can even have a separate EFI partition for Linux and choose boot order from the BIOS.

    I’ve always done partition based dual booting since I first started using Linux and the last time I remember having an issue with Windows fucking with boot setup was like early/mid 2010s and it’s only happened a couple times in like 10 years of on and off dual booting.

  • I got into Linux because I used a shitty Acer laptop in middle school and I couldn’t stand how slow it was. Somehow I ended up stumbling on some article or video about Linux being faster and installed Ubuntu WUBI (I think that’s what it was called, it let you install Ubuntu in Windows). Then I found myself on IRC and became a distrohopper for a few years.

    When I was younger I was probably obsessed and proselytized a bit but not so much anymore. An OS is just a tool and people should use what works best for them to solve the problems they have at the time.

    But I still daily drive Linux so I guess it’s my preferred tool.