• 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • THANK YOU! Someone who has experienced the same thing. That’s exactly what I mean. I can’t even mention companies like Amazon in any context, even when it’s not negative at all.

    And yes, separating my comments and rewording them for absolutely no reason when they still say the same thing, can sometimes work, and other times doesn’t. It’s really annoying.

    And of course you get downvoted even when you provide reasonable examples. I already gave them examples but they demanded to know more and continue to make various assumptions about me.

    People here are so closed-minded honestly, that they can’t possibly believe that there are major flaws with YouTube’s comment deletion algorithm, and they can impact some people more than others for no reason. Do they have so much faith in these companies and automated systems that they can’t possibly fathom they might not work properly or fairly 100% of the time? Or can people not even accept that other people’s experiences with the same things might be different than theirs? It reminds me of people who refuse to believe other intelligent life could exist somewhere in the universe. They can’t even accept it as a hypothetical.

    And now go on, downvote me. It’s so mindless.

    Sorry for the rant. These people frustrate me.

  • Look I appreciate if you were trying to help. But what you were saying honestly didn’t make sense.

    I really don’t think I was being hostile. I tried to explain my position clearly, that for multiple reasons I’m unable to state exact comments that have been removed, though I gave you general examples. You seemed to ignore this multiple times and at that point I didn’t know how else to explain it.

    And you tried to argue that you weren’t able to provide a character format without knowing the exact content, inaccurately comparing it to someone not telling you what problem they were having with their car, even though I have explained the problem and there’s nothing preventing anyone from helping with it in this case.

    All it requires is the knowledge and willingness to suggest a text character that doesn’t get removed.

    This is really hard to understand for me, if someone else asked for help with this, I would just help if I could. I wouldn’t try to determine what the person is commenting.

    So are you still saying you can’t physically help with what I’m asking? Or do you just not want to help unless I tell you the content, because you can’t trust that what I’m commenting is completely innocuous and getting deleted for no reason? Do we not trust each other at our word anymore in this society?