An Embedded Software Engineer who does game dev as a hobby.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • deaf_fish@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    17 days ago

    I have used LLMs before and they are occasionally wrong, seems like you don’t disagree. I don’t see how someone who isn’t deeply familiar with LLMs would be obviously tipped off that this post is a shit post. As for the graphs, who knows, Google probably already has that working. I’ve seen LLMs make up songs before too.

    AI would never write this.

    Why not? I figure you could train an AI to write this. I could see a Google engineer messing up and producing a bad AI. GPT2 engineers has made this mistake before.

    The fact that you are believing it doesn’t speak to the danger of AI as much as it speaks to the gullibility of people.

    This is kind of like saying “the problem with nuclear bombs is that people are too easy to evaporate at high temperatures, not the bombs themselves”. Yeah, that is true, but it’s really hard to make people less gullible. I wouldn’t say LLM’s and AI are bad or we should stop using them. But I think people like you need to understand that the average person is not on your level, and you need to slow your roll.

    If I said “obama made a law to put babies in woodchippers”…

    I don’t think this is a good comparison, because Obama has been around for a while and most people believe Obama wouldn’t do that. Now if Obama went from being a nobody to president in a day and then someone told me the about the woodchipper law. I would be unsure and have to double check. It wouldn’t be obvious. Likewise, since LLMs are relatively new to most people, it’s going to take a while before most people figure out what is a normal mistake by an LLM vs an obviously faked mistake by a shit poster.

  • You are on a different and better level. You are a Chad consequentialist. Managing probabilities, shooting for the best outcomes, minimizing losses. Setting up the group of ideologically aligned leaders for future success. Fighting off fascism for four more years against all odds.

    They are a weak feelings voter. Hopes Biden senpai will notice them and throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn’t. Talks about genocide, but doesn’t actually care if Trump will handle the genocide any differently than Biden. Wants everyone else to suffer because they are suffering. Hoping if Trump gets elected that someone else will do the hard work and fighting to fix everything. Is burned out on politics, but instead of not voting quietly, makes big posts about how not voting is actually a good and very smart idea because they can’t handle the fact that they need to rest.

  • Ah, I messed up. I should have dug deeper instead of reading the google summary. This is what I found on Wiki:

    On December 22, 2022, Sweeney started the new @ElonJetNextDay Twitter account


    "the handle @elonjet.[10]

    The Twitter account, created in June 2020, "

    Sorry about that, I trusted too much in googles summary.

    Was there a lot of meming about this on twitter when it was happening, or did Elon see like one or two memes and decide to buy twitter?

  • A quick Google shows that Elon finalized the Twitter purchase in October of 2022 and the Elon jet Twitter thing started in December.

    Was there another jet tracking incidents with Elon? Otherwise, it seems like you’re confused about the order of things.

    Edit: Turns out I had a Google fail. The December date was a second account at the journalist created. My information is not correct here.

  • Yeah, I agree, I think some of this is due to the streisand effect. And I think T Swift is dumb for trying to sue that reporter. But Elon got way less shit than this when he tried to silence the reporter tracking his flights.

    As for the secret cabal of oil magnates, your right, they don’t exist. There is a public cabal of oil magnates. They have done several astroturfing campaigns in the past that are now well documented.

  • Oh yeah, I agree, it is an interesting talking point. But If you have the goal of reducing green house gas emission, is memeing on T Swift the best target for that? Don’t get me wrong it is hilarious. I just get really frustrated when people say they are doing it for the environment, when what they are doing is mostly ineffectual and playing into the desires of the major polluters (who are very wealthy).

    So in my mind, either a large group of online environmentalist have decided to be less effective at working towards their goal for no reason. Or there is a significate astroturfing thing going on here. Given that oil companies have done this kind of thing multiple times in the past, I think I have a reasonable assumption. I smell bullshit and I am calling it.

  • Ok, so first off, it is impossible for it not not at least a little bit that she is a woman. Sexisim is a thing and we could argue about how much it is affecting things, but your dumb if you think it has 0 effects. Multiple things can be true at the same time. Check your brain worms before they eat you alive.

    Yes, billionaires are a problem, but jetting around is tiny damage compared to large scale manufacturing, which is where the real money and environmental damage is. And the real money loves what your doing. They love that everyone is shitting on T Swift, because that means, they get some time that they aren’t public enemy number one.