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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • This is actually discussed on the live-action animated film Wikipedia page.

    Since the late 1990s, some films have included large amounts of photorealistic computer animation alongside live-action filmmaking, such as the Star Wars prequels, The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Avatar franchise. These films are generally not considered animated due to the realism of the animation and the use of motion-capture performances, which are extensively based on live-action performances by implementing actors’ movements and facial expressions into their characters. Roger Ebert said that “in my mind, it isn’t animation, unless it looks like animation.”

    Related note: I’m quite nostalgic for the mid-20th century live-action animation trend (even more so than the late-20th century puppet trend). If the characters are going to look fake regardless, the animated ones are way more expressive and, well, animated.

  • I just want the communities that already exist to have more engagement. It’s pretty demoralizing making a high-effort post and getting only a handful of upvotes and no comments. And it’s like watching a hospice patient visiting a neat-sounding community and realizing all the posts are by the single moderator (and are getting less and less frequent).

    I think one of the best ways for folks to contribute to the health of Lemmy would be for everyone to spend some time on “all - new” (or even “all - top hour”) on occasion. “New” on Lemmy is not the cesspool of reposts and garbage that it was on Reddit (although there is a LOT of porn if you don’t have NSFW toggled off), and the quality of the first few pages of “top hour” is usually pretty good (except again for the porn, which it turns out gets pretty decent engagement). I visit “top hour” pretty regularly, and nearly all posts that are stuck in zero-engagement/minimal-engagement pergatory are simply niche content rather than bad content.

  • In virtually every way that can be measured, Gen Z’s mental health is worse than that of previous generations […] What’s gone wrong?

    Answer: Shit’s bad and getting worse (especially for younger generations) while the old & rich people in charge twiddle their thumbs because “I got mine, fuck you.” Any other questions?

    I definitely wouldn’t conclude that anything the mental health industry did or didn’t do has anything to do with the mental health of youth today; given current circumstances the kids who are alright are the abnormal ones.

  • I think it’s because a lot of things are bad (and many are getting worse) yet the only power most people have to do anything about them is to raise awareness of the issues, which means engaging with negative news. Sometimes it can be hard to tell what’s real news and what’s rage bait; sometimes non-news can seem like news when it’s part of an ongoing pattern (such as “Elon’s dumb take of the day”). I think there’s also some degree of trying to maintain one’s sense of reality. To the previous example, despite being a massive fuckwit, Elon is still among the wealthiest people in the world, is incredibly influential, and has maintained some degree of fanboy army; posting/reading/discussing/upvoting an article about what dumb thing he said today is grounding for some folks because it reinforces reality by demonstrating that yes, he is still a fuckwit, even though somehow everything still hasn’t come crashing down around him like it karmically should.

  • I wake up at 3am to 4am daily as a neighbor makes noise walking their dog. This cannot be helped.

    I’m stuck on this comment. Why can it not be helped? This is not acceptable behavior on your neighbor’s part. Sleep is a critical factor in every human’s physical and mental well-being, which is why policies like noise ordinances exist. You do not mention what your living circumstances are, however if there are other neighbors nearby (especially if this is an apartment/condo situation) they are presumably being woken up too. You also don’t mention how you’re being woken up; are the dogs barking or loudly running around? I don’t see why you should need to accommodate your neighbor’s inability to follow very standard social contracts regarding nighttime quiet hours. Unless you are in some kind of highly unusual living situation where it’s completely within your neighbor’s right to be an early-morning nuisance, you should be addressing the illness not the symptom, especially if there are other people being affected too.

  • “Everyday” products have always been expensive on Amazon. Things like food, pharmacy items, “junk drawer” items, basically anything you can expect to find at your local grocery store. A few years ago I was shocked that that didn’t have a pair of scissors for less than $12 (at the time they were probably half that at Target). I don’t know if this is because the logistics of these items is more expensive to do online, or if they’re price gouging under the assumption that if you’re buying a gluestick online it’s because you live in a super remote area or are too unable/lazy to go to a store in-person. It’s like Staples in reverse: Staples figured out that if you’re buying electronics in a store it’s probably because you need it right fucking now and can’t afford to wait to order it online (or you’re not tech savvy enough to shop/price compare online) so they can get away with making you pay through the nose.

  • You’re still making this out like it’s an individual problem and not a genuine (and major) gender difference.

    From a BBC article on office temperature wars:

    Boris Kingma from Maastricht University Medical Center decided to take a closer look. He found that women have significantly lower metabolic rates than men and need their offices 3°C (5.4F) warmer.

    That’s a huge discrepancy! Obviously not something you can chalk up to individual factors like exercise rates or medical disorders.