Big Pimping Big Rofling.

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  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Damn. This is just horrible. I’m a cis Man and to be honest I don’t have much contact with LGBTQ+. But this is just so unbelievable sad. I just see someone who wants to be loved and accepted for who they are. (sorry if I use the wrong pronouns or anything, English is my 2nd language, and I’m trying my best). And this is something I can relate to. I don’t know how I can help or anything, but I just want to say, I feel you.

  • You know what? I wrote an Comment why your Argument is BS. That I’m actively working to get Germanys far-right Party banned, that I’m a Party-Member and organise anti Fascists Rally’s.

    But I don’t need to prove to a random Internet Person like you anything. I can just say:“You are wrong and you have no Clue about what you are talking.” And then I just block you! Tadaaa! Much less trouble. :P