It’s true that people’s give too (Edit because I think people’s don’t understand,i should say faith because it’s true that say credit is a wrong way of saying it sorry about that) much faith to science. Indeed science, especially when it come to consensus is to be believe, a scientific experiments can be replicate and if multiple result give the same result and/or give us the same conclusion, then that mean FOR NOW it’s a consensus. But never forget that we might one day have evidence that the experiment where wrong, that the conclusion what impregnates with ideology or that some important point where excluded.

After all scientists are also humans, even with the best analytics etc, our reflection, our ideology or our cognitive biases can make wrong conclusion or make people’s unconsciously excludes some contradictions.

In the end I think we should always be open to new theory, try to look and see people’s that don’t have the same ideology, political beliefs, opinions etc. It’s by trying to see the mountain in its globally that we shall be closer to the true.

In the ends those who use their “recent independent study” For evidence that what they think is the true are those who are the more blind. An independent or multiple independent study are not a consensus. They are indicator of what might be possible or true. Only a true consensus with years of research and experiment can give us a somewhat objective and definitive answer.

    9 months ago

    I think a huge problem is that the average person doesn’t have the capacity to read and understand the actual published research paper. If you don’t work in that particular field its like reading another language. They also dont know how to interpret the data, or look at sample sizes and associated statistics. Whether or not its peer reviewed or if the experiments have been repeated is a whole other aspect most people wont consider. Couple that with the fact that most articles written about scientific breakthroughs are written by the same people with a lack of understanding and you end up with this weird whisper down the alley lost in translation effect.

    It’s difficult to do more than that too. I see these headlines and articles, I know about this problem, and I can understand many research papers. However, the time and effort it takes to parse those things out is usually too much for me. There’s just too much and not enough time, so at some point I have to trust it. Otherwise I need a really good reason to look into it further and invest that extra energy, which really would prefer be spent on my personal life instead